The Mega Man X Zone Award
Want to win my award?? Check out the instructions below for submitting a web site.
To win my award, You site must:
Be a Mega Man devoted site.
Be complete. No broken links within your own pages.
Be imformative. It should have useful information about Mega Man related material, and not just pictures.
Easy to navigate, everything should be clear and easy to follow.
Free of Java Scripting errors. The infamous Geocities error will be excused.
Have complete pages. No "under contruction" pages. I can't rate what isn't there.
Not over use pictures on pages. Affiliate lists are ok. I understand some people have a lot of affiliates.
Have a "Skip Intro" option if you choose to use a flash movie on your page.
Be creative.
If you follow all of the guide lines above, then I should have no problem handing over this award, customized to your site:
Sites that have my award:
Zero Forever
Mega Man Web
My Award
Awards Won
Mega ManX1
Mega ManX2
Mega ManX3
Mega ManX4
Mega ManX5
Mega ManX6
Mega Man Xtreme
Mega Man Xtreme2
Flash Movie